blood sugar

what is the importance of Blood glucose “sugar” test?

What is a Blood Glucose Test? A blood glucose is a test measures the glucose levels in your blood. Glucose is your body’s main source of energy. insulin hormone helps


Dash diet: How can it lower your blood pressure?

Diets that helps blood pressure are essential for maintaining blood vessels and reducing the risk of hypertension-related complications. Alongside medication, incorporating a nutritious diet can significantly contribute to managing high


What is the normal blood pH for humans?

Blood is a main component of our body. The average blood percentage of blood volume in the human body is approximately 7% of the body weight. The pH of blood


maintain blood sugar levels vs Diabetes

Diabetes is a chronic and metabolic disease which affects how the body turns food to glucose, it definitely means high levels of blood glucose. Diabetes can lead to many serious


Fasting vs Blood pressure and Heart performance

Fasting benefits for blood has gained significant attention in recent years for its potential health benefits. Beyond its association with weight loss and improved metabolic health, fasting has been suggested