Cupping therapy vs scientific prove: is there Benifits for blood and human body?

everything to know about cupping appointment

Cupping therapy is an old technique of alternative medicine that can be used by a therapist. In this technique, special cups, that are made from glass, plastic or silicone, are used for definite time to apply negative pressure over the skin that makes a strong suction.

Cupping therapy (Hijama) is useful for people who have pain or inflammation, it improves blood flow in the body and it helps people feel better, relaxation and well-being. It’s considered a type of deep-tissue massage.

The effect of cupping therapy is almost proven scientifically, there are many theories to clarify various effects of cupping therapy and its mechanisms of action. Many researchers proposed mechanical and biological processes associated with the cupping session.

For example, reduction of pain may lead to changes in biomechanical properties of the skin as clarified by the “Pain-Gate Theory” (PGT), “Diffuse Noxious Inhibitory Controls” (DNICs) and “Reflex Zone Theory” (ZRT).

Muscle relaxation, certain changes in local tissue structures and increase in blood circulation could be clarified by the “Nitric Oxide Theory”.

“Blood Detoxification Theory” (BDT) can explain how toxins are expelled and how wastes and heavy metals are removed.

“Activation of Immune System Theory” (AIST) can clarify the immunomodulatory effects of cupping therapy

There is a harmony between these theories that leads to the beneficial effect of cupping therapy.

What are the types of cupping (Hijama)?

Cupping therapy was first performed by animal horns. Recently, it was performed by bell-shaped cups, cups were heated with fire and placed over the skin, when they cooled, the cups took the skin inside and there are many types of cupping therapy.

Dry cupping: Therapist uses suction only in this method.

Wet cupping: This method is also called the bleeding method. In this method, both suction and controlled medicinal bleeding are used.

Running cupping: In this method, suctioned cups are moved around the body after applying oil to massage the desired area.

Flash cupping: This method depends on quick, repeated suction by cups on the desired area.

Using one of these different types of cupping therapy are determined according to the patient’s medical needs. Your therapist determine which method is suitable for your case.

Does cupping remove toxins?

Yes, cupping may remove toxins from the body locally and systemically by stimulating the immune response.

Cupping may also remove uric acid which is a waste from certain food digestion, the accumulation of uric acid to high levels in the body is harmful as it makes the blood and urine acidic.

Cupping may have a good effect on the lymphatic system which is quietly responsible for removing the body’s toxins.

Cupping also helps the body through lymphatic drainage massage which is a method to drainage accumulative fluids from the lymph system.

The evidence to prove the ability of cupping therapy to remove toxins is hopeful, but more research is needed to confirm it.

What should you expect during a cupping treatment?

The benefits from cupping therapy include the relief of neck and back, this may be due to the suction made by the cups, which can help to relieve pain and loosen muscles.

The suction made by the cups helps also with relief of inflammation, this may be useful for people who suffer from arthritis or fibromyalgia.

Cupping therapy improves blood circulation near the area where the cups are placed. This is because of the suction which helps to open up blood vessels and improve blood flow. This leads to reduced pain, speeds up healing and improves cell function.

It also helps with relaxation of muscles, this is due to the deep tissue massage which can relieve the muscle tension. It can help with relief of muscle soreness that is created due to exercise.

As a result of improving circulation, cupping therapy can be useful in cases of blood disorders such as anemia.

Cupping therapy will be a good alternative for medications in treatment of migraine. It also improves the peristalsis of the digestive tract and helps with treatment of constipation and other digestive tract problems.

Cupping forces the circulation of blood to flow to certain areas to increase oxygenation of blood and promote healing. Cupping therapy is done by glass or silicone cups. The therapist places the cup on the skin and then uses a suction device to create a vacuum.

This vacuum will force the skin and underlying tissue to rise into the cup. The cups are occasionally left on the skin for five to twenty minutes, the duration will rely on the goal of the therapy.

Sure, there are specialists in hijama, Medical doctors must have training in hijama for not less than twenty hours from an accredited center. Others who have university degrees in physiotherapy or nursing or alternative medicine with not less than sixty hours of accredited training.

Hijamah technicians must have at least two-year health diplomas after secondary school, They must also get accredited training for more than 80 hours.(5)

Where the cups should be placed in hijama

Cupping cups can be used on specific areas of the body.

  • Back: Cupping on the back is one of the most common areas. It helps relieve back pain and muscle tension. A study in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies in 2020 has found that cupping stimulates blood circulation in the back muscles and fascia, reducing inflammation and muscle spasms that cause pain.
  •  Arms: From the shoulders down to the hands, any tense or sore muscles in the arms can benefit from cupping. It relaxes arm muscles that may be strained from overuse. A study in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies in 2020 show cupping is effective for pain conditions like tennis elbow.
  • Abdomen: Cupping over the belly aids in digestion by stimulating abdominal muscles and organs. This can help with gas, bloating, constipation and other gastrointestinal issues. Research supports its usefulness for functional GI disorders.
  • Head: Cupping the scalp increases blood flow to the head and neck. This helps relieve tension headaches, migraines and even problems like dizziness. A study in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies in 2020 demonstrate the effectiveness of scalp cupping for reducing headache symptoms.(6)

How does the suction part work?

The suction part of cupping therapy involves creating negative pressure within the cups, which causes the skin and superficial tissues to be drawn into the cups. This process can be achieved through different methods.

Fire Cupping

Fire cupping involves briefly igniting a flame inside the cup, which consumes the oxygen and creates a vacuum. The cup is then quickly placed on the skin, and as the air inside cools down, it creates suction, pulling the skin upwards into the cup.

Manual Cupping

Manual cupping involves using a hand-operated suction pump or a rubber bulb to create the negative pressure inside the cup. The cup is applied to the skin and the air is manually drawn out using the pump or bulb, creating suction.

The suction created during cupping therapy serves several purposes, although the scientific evidence supporting these effects is limited.

Suction is believed to enhance blood flow in the area where the cup is applied. By creating a vacuum, it expands the blood vessels and capillaries, facilitating increased circulation.

Negative pressure created by cupping can decompress the underlying tissues, potentially releasing tension in the fascia (connective tissue) and muscle fibers. This can lead to relaxation of the muscles and relief from muscle tightness and discomfort.(7)

What is the duration of the cupping session?

The duration of a cupping session can vary depending on several factors, including the specific purpose of the session, the individual’s tolerance, and the practitioner’s approach.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

In TCM, cupping is often used as part of a larger treatment plan to address specific conditions. The duration of cupping sessions can range from 10 to 30 minutes per session.

Sports and Athletic Performance

Cupping is sometimes used by athletes and individuals engaged in sports activities to enhance performance, relieve muscle tension, and aid in recovery. In these cases, cupping sessions are typically shorter, lasting around 10 to 20 minutes per session.

Relaxation and Wellness

Cupping can also be used for general relaxation and well-being. In these cases, sessions can range from 15 to 45 minutes or longer. The cups are usually applied to the back, but they can also be placed on other areas of the body, such as the shoulders or legs.

How long will it take for cupping marks to disappear?

The duration for cupping marks to disappear can vary depending on several factors, including the individual’s response to cupping, the intensity of the cupping technique used, and the body’s natural healing process.

Type Of HijamaDuration
Mild to Moderate Cupping Marks Typically, cupping marks can last anywhere from a few days to a week.
Intense or Deep Cupping Marks In cases where more intense or deep cupping techniques are used, the marks may take longer to disappear.
Excessive Suction or Intensitylonger-lasting marks
Table shows type of hijama with the duration of marks to be disapeear

What conditions can cupping treat?

There are some diseases that cupping is used to treat:

  1. Hypertension: A study in “the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies” in 2020 have found cupping can reduce blood pressure in hypertensive patients. A 2020 meta-analysis concluded cupping significantly lowered systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
  2. Headaches and migraines: Some research indicates cupping therapy on points on the neck and head can reduce the frequency and intensity of headaches and migraines. A 2012 study found cupping significantly reduced headache intensity and frequency compared to medications.
  3. Musculoskeletal pain: Cupping can help reduce pain and improve range of motion in conditions like back pain, neck pain, and knee osteoarthritis. Systematic reviews show cupping is effective for reducing pain compared to no treatment or usual care.
  4. Respiratory conditions: Cupping is used to treat colds, coughs, bronchitis and asthma. A 2020 systematic review found cupping plus usual care improved lung function and symptoms compared to usual care alone in asthma patients.

Are there a Side effects for hijama?

Yes, cupping therapy can have some side effects, though they are usually mild and temporary.

Bruising and pain: This occurs due to the suction created by the cups which can rupture small capillaries under the skin. The bruises usually disappear within a few days.

Burns: There is a risk of burns if the practitioner uses cups that are too hot or leaves cups in place too long. Ensuring proper temperature controls and treatment times can avoid burns.

Blistering: Blisters can develop due to suction if the skin isn’t lubricated prior to treatment. Blisters should be cared for hygienically to avoid infection. Proper lubrication and technique reduces blistering risk.

 Some people may feel lightheaded or dizzy during or after cupping due to the effects on circulation. Staying well hydrated can minimize this risk.(9)

when cupping can harm you?

Cupping can potentially cause harm in certain circumstances or for specific individuals. Here are some conditions in which cupping may not be suitable or could potentially be harmful:

  • Skin Conditions or Infections: Cupping should be avoided in areas of the skin that have open wounds, burns, infections, or skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or dermatitis.
  • Pregnancy: Pregnant women should exercise caution with cupping therapy, particularly during the first trimester. While there is limited research on the effects of cupping during pregnancy.
  • Cancer or Tumor Sites: Cupping should be avoided over areas with cancerous tumors or sites of metastasis. The suction and manipulation involved in cupping can potentially disrupt tumor tissues or spread cancer cells to other parts of the body.

how to prepare for your cupping appointment

Preparing for a cupping appointment involves a few important steps and considerations.

  1. Clean skin: Ensure that the areas of your body where the cups will be applied are clean and free from oils, lotions, or any substances that may interfere with the suction.
  2. Comfortable clothing: Wear loose and comfortable clothing to your appointment. This will allow easy access to the areas being treated and ensure your comfort during the session.

The things you should avoid or be cautious about after cupping:

  • Exposure to extreme temperatures:  After cupping, it’s recommended to avoid hot showers, saunas, or activities that involve exposure to extreme heat or cold. This is because cupping can temporarily leave your skin more sensitive to temperature changes.
  • Vigorous exercise: It’s advisable to avoid rigorous physical activities, heavy lifting, or strenuous exercise for at least 24 hours after cupping. Allow your body to rest and recover to optimize the benefits of the treatment.

What is facial cupping?

Facial cupping is a specialized form of cupping therapy that is specifically performed on the face and neck area. It involves using small suction cups to create a gentle vacuum on the skin. 

 Facial cupping uses lighter suction compared to body cupping. The suction is adjusted to be gentle and comfortable for the delicate facial skin.

 Facial cupping involves specific techniques that are tailored for the face. These techniques include gliding the cups across the skin, stationary placement on certain acupressure points, and rhythmic movements to massage the facial muscles.

Facial cupping helps to increase blood flow to the skin, which can enhance oxygenation and nutrient delivery. This can result in a healthier, more radiant complexion.

 The gentle suction of facial cupping can stimulate the lymphatic system, assisting in the removal of toxins and waste products. This can help reduce puffiness, promote a more sculpted appearance, and improve overall skin tone.

how Cupping affect on mental health

some ways that cupping therapy can positively impact mental health by first affecting the body.

Cupping increases local blood circulation in treated areas by creating a vacuum and hyperemia effect. This brings more nutrients and oxygen to tissues.

The Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies found cupping improved back pain and functional ability more than conventional therapies like massages. It works the fascia deep connective tissues.

The hyperemia effect of cupping releases endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers and mood elevators into the bloodstream.

the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies  found cupping effectively reduced stress, anxiety and depression more than antianxiety drugs like diazepam.

In conclusion, cupping therapy is an ancient practice that involves the use of suction cups on the skin to promote various health benefits. While scientific evidence supporting cupping therapy is still limited, A study in the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies in 2020 suggesting potential advantages.